Wednesday, January 8, 2025

What do You do When Financial Profits do Not Come?

You worked hard doing everything right, so you should expect a profit, a reward for your labor, or some kind of positive outcome, but the reverse happens. What do you do then?

An obscure ancient prophet in the Bible has some advice for you. He said, "Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior." Habakkuk 3:17-18 NIV©

These words describe an absolute disaster for a person living in an agrarian culture. All their resources, investments, and labor are tied up in these things, and when there are no results, there is nothing left but poverty loss and possibly (In ancient times) slavery.

Everything described is an essential resource or commodity of the day. What is the Habakkuk's response to financial ruin?  He says he will rejoice in the Lord and be joyful in God, his Savior. 

At first glance, you say, "How does that make sense?" But if you look deeper, you see it is the only thing that makes sense. 

All those material things, like sheep in the pens and grapes on the vine, do not compare to God. 

Crops, like bank accounts, are transitory, uncertain, and fluctuating in value. They do not influence the world around them but are influenced by countless forces against them.

On the other hand, God is true, eternal, faithful, righteous, holy, the master of creation, commanding nature and nations, and owning all things. Add to all these wonderful truths about God that He loves you and sent His son to redeem you and bring you into a relationship with him. 

Our relationship with God gives us value and purpose. He gives us his caring love, and his promise to provide for those who serve him is without end; it is forever. 

The ancient prophet could say that he would rejoice in the Lord and be joyful in God, his Savior because his relationship with God was richer than the wealth of the fields.

Sometimes, setbacks and personal disasters drive us into God's arms because of our desperation and brokenness. But the Prophet Habakkuk did not wait until then; he was resolved to rejoice in God.  

His attitude required not only a relationship with God but also faithfulness toward God, a faithfulness that is expressed in resolve. He was determined and committed to rejoice in God and his Savior no matter what circumstances or Divine Providence brought. 

Anyone can rejoice in God when they are blessed, and everything is going well. It is more wonderful and a blessing to purposely rejoice in God during difficult times. 

I hope you are encouraged by my musings. 

Grace and Peace
A. E. Dozat

Monday, December 23, 2024

Should I Loan Money To Someone I Do Not Like?

What do you do when someone you do not like, or even an enemy to you, comes to and asks for a loan. What would be the best way to handle this situation?

Fortunately, Jesus has already answered this question.

"And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full.  But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked." Luke 6:34-35.

These are the words of Jesus on the subject of lending money.

Jesus reaches the highest standard, not of business, social norms, or status but of Godlike love.

  • If they are a bad risk, just give them the money.
  • If they are too poor to pay back, then just give them the money
  • If they are underemployed, just give them the money.
  • If they hurt you in the past just give them the money.

Do not keep records or watch for it to come back. In simple words, forget about it. This attitude is liberating. 

Take the view that it is not a loan to the needy person but a gift to God, who is that person's Creator and redeemer. 

God gives us money and wealth not to become more prosperous but to be stewards of his gifts. We become better, nobler, and more like him through that stewardship. Jesus said our reward will be that we become children of the Most High so we may become Godly and righteous.

We do not know what or where that reward will be, here and now or later in heaven. It may be material, social, spiritual, or something else. But we are assured by the Lord himself that whatever that reward will be, it will be great. 

Do not try to make money by lending; instead, seek God's favor by freely giving it away.

Grace and Peace
©A.E. Dozat

Saturday, March 28, 2020

What Is The One Thing That Will Keep You From Being Wealthy

If there was one thing or attitude that is keeping you from being wealthy, wouldn't you want to know what it is so you can avoid it?

We have attitudes or behaviors that help us live a successful life, and because we are complicated human beings, we have attitudes and behaviors that undermine our quest for success.  We have to challenge ourselves to turn from things that keep us from blessing.  There is one thing that keeps us from success, and the Bible tells what it is.

"Whoever loves pleasure will become poor; whoever loves wine and olive oil will never be rich." Proverbs 21:17.

Here are four short observations about what the Bible says.

This verse does not single out the rich, the poor, or the middle class.  What is says it says to everybody, we see that because it starts with the word, whoever.  So no matter who you are, the statement applies to you.

Pleasure is not bad, and there is nothing wrong with enjoying life and the blessings God gives us. The danger is for those who live for pleasure or are consumed by it or motivated by it.  It could be the one who has a "live for the weekend" attitude.

If you are rich, then loving pleasure will make you poor. Perhaps as you pursue fun, you miss out on business opportunities. Perhaps you spend more than you should on pleasurable pursuits and business suffers from inattention.  Perhaps you lose your focus on good financial decisions. There are many reasons, but whatever they may be, loving pleasure will take your wealth away.

This scripture was written in ancient times when wine and olive oil cost huge amounts of money.

  • Possessing them signified status. 
  • Wine and olive oil can refer to the freedom to consume.  
  • Wine and olive oil gives us an image of one who loves food and drink. 

There is nothing wrong with being well thought of and admired, or of having nice things or of being able to provide food and shelter for yourself and those you love. But if status, possessions, and self-gratification are your focus, then you will never be rich.

Jesus reminded us who we should love, "He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:36-40,

Thank you for visiting and reading my post I hope it is an encouragement to you.  Use the search box above or see the sidebar for more.

(c) Adron 7/28/18

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Do Good Things Come to Those Who Wait? Proverbs 6:6-8 Answers.

Can we expect good things to come to us if we sit just around and wait while hoping for some good fortune to change our lives like winning the lottery?

The wisest man in history didn't seem to think so. King Solomon wrote, "Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest." Proverbs 6:6-8.

Proverbs are different kind of teaching style than we are used to in western thought. It uses poetry, imagery, and other literary devices to make a point. What counts is the point that it makes.

Ants do not have a big corporate structure, a huge master plan, or agenda. What they do have is a work ethic. They work day after day without ceasing. They do not take vacations, holidays, personal days, me time or call out sick.

They have something and it is not just a work ethic, but it is because of their work ethic they have storage filled with provisions.

Ants work hard and long so they have what they need.
Be like the ant and:
  • Be the hardest worker.
  • Don't wait for the right time, to them the time is now.
  • Look for opportunities.
  • Make opportunities if none are available.
  • Do not disregard the small stuff.
  • Work with your team.
  • Work toward your goal.
  • Take time off when you need it not when you want it.
  • Don't consume what you have gained but set aside for the future.
  • Don't wait to be told to work.
Maybe the wind will blow a winning lottery ticket to your doorstep, but don't count on it! Be like the ant and work every day and store up as much as can; someday you will have storehouses full of provisions ready to use and share.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

What is The Secret to Contentment With Your Income? Insight from Psalm 23:1

How can we find contentment? 

Our human nature is rarely happy with what we have. We are like the toddler who sees something and as he reaches out for it and screams, "Mine!" It is cute in a toddler but can lead to misery as an adult. Does the Bible teach how to be content? It does, and you may already know the passage.

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want." Psalm 23:1

The first two words of this verse are the most important ones.  They begin this psalm with a view of God which is a good attitude for everything we do.

A "lord" has the authority to rule, and he has the highest status and power over those in submission to him. When you call God your Lord, then you have made the most serious declaration you can make.

We need a shepherd...
  • The shepherd provides by making sure that the sheep have food and water.
  • The shepherd guides the sheep to safe pasture and brings them to freshwaters.
  • The shepherd leads the sheep. They follow him to those safe places. He goes ahead to find the best and safest way.
  • The shepherd shelters the sheep by protecting them from dangers.
  • The shepherd watches the sheep not only as a guard but out of love for them.
  • The shepherd never leaves the sheep; without his presence, they are vulnerable to attack and injury.
People recite this famous verse of poetic scripture and think they are covered by some universal grace. The truth is you must personally make the Lord your shepherd. God is love, so He will not force himself on you since that would not be loving. He waits for you to come to Him and choose Him. Until you do, you cannot honestly say that the Lord is your shepherd.

If you have invited God into your life (to understand more about this, see the link above for the Gospel), then God is your shepherd, and He does all these things for you. Your needs and wants are in His care.

If your needs and wants are in the care and custody of the Almighty Creator of the Universe, who is also the Lord of all Heaven and Earth and Lord of all time, then you can be confident that you have enough, because as your Lord, He knows your needs and He knows what is best for you.

You may feel something is missing, but because the Lord is your shepherd, you lack nothing.
Because He is All-Wise, He knows what is best for you and will either give it or withhold it.
Because He is All-Love, what He gives is given out of love, and what He withholds is withheld out of love.

The person who wrote the 23rd Psalm was content not because he has a lot of stuff, or a full dinner plate or a beautiful house (indeed he may have been sleeping in the open and eating roots),  but his contentment came by viewing the Lord's provision as all he needed.

We should be content because God is watching over us. He is our shepherd.
(c) Adron 7/28/18

Friday, March 2, 2018

What Should You do When You Get Wealth? Psalm 62:10

What would you do if you had a million dollars?

We all say something like, "If I only had a million dollars I would do..." and then we describe something that fulfills a dream, a longing, or creature comfort.  But what does the Bible say you should do if you did inherit or win a million dollar? Here is a suggestion from the Bible.

"Do not trust in extortion or put vain hope in stolen goods; though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them." Psalm 62:10.

Do not set your heart on it. That sounds lofty and ideal but what does that mean?
To set your heart on something means:
  • That thing is the object of your affection.
  • You dream about it.
  • You see that thing as the fulfillment of your hopes.
  • That thing is essential to you.
  • It begins to define you.
  • Your identity and the thing you set your heart on start to become one and the same. 
  • It becomes your motivation and the basis of your choices.
The list above is not bad if your heart is set on something wise and healthy, like family, God, church, and community. But to set your heart on wealth for the sake of wealth or to serve only yourself is not wise. Our hearts should be set on loving God, family, and serving our community. To set our hearts on wealth puts wealth in competition with God, creates selfishness, puts at risks the best things in life and opportunities to serve and know God, ultimately you risk eternity and the blessings of heaven.

This Bible verse is not just a proverbial saying. The Holy Spirit moved the patriarch to pen these words so this is not merely some advice that you can take it or leave it.

Scripture addresses the issues of your heart in many places because God has a right to it and everything you are and have. As a loving Father, God cares for our wellbeing and knows a heart set on wealth for the sake of wealth is unsatisfactory to meet our deepest need. Even Jesus affirmed this when he said,  "Where your heart is there your treasure will be also." Matthew 6:21.

The scriptures do not say to refuse wealth or deny your inheritance. It does not say we should choose to become destitute. Our hearts were made for better things than gold, silver, houses, and vacations. Our hearts were made for God and will only find fulfillment in serving Him.

So, if some wealth comes your way affirm to God that He alone has your devotion and demonstrate your devotion to Him by acts of charity, tithing, and service.

(c) Adron 3/2/18