Saturday, November 30, 2013

Will God Give You The Money You Need? Matthew 7:11

We doubt God's goodness and think if we have a problem or need we will have to struggle to provide the solution.

"If you then know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will you heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him?" Matthew 7:11.

Jesus begins with a comparison that we can relate to. Of course, we know how to give good gifts to our children. For normal healthy people we like to give something good to our kids, and many of us spend a lot of time doing so in one way or another.

When we try to compare our ways with God's we are so far short that there is nothing that can describe it. If we are good God is infinitely more so. If we are generous God is infinitely more.

Prayer is a mystery but the Lord has chosen to reveal that God will give to those who ask. He has promised to answer prayer and he waits for us to ask in prayer. Prayer seems to be a test of faith and an expression of faith.

We must have a relationship with the Father in Heaven. He is our father as creator but there is a relationship that He offers through His Son. Without this relationship, he is a distant father. To learn more about how to have a relationship with the Father see my other blog.

We work ourselves to the bone to put food on the table and a roof over our head, but The Heavenly Father is waiting to give what we need if we ask. It may be that He will choose to answer by providing a job or the ability to exercise financial wisdom. Maybe He will give a marketable skill or maybe He will answer with a miracle of provision. Whichever way He answers prayer He will not answer prayer until we pray.